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Another burst of panic going through the affiliate community regarding upcoming Chrome updates in July with new, more advanced ad-blocker. Can things be all that bad?
Chrome 76 adblocker
Another burst of panic going through the affiliate community regarding upcoming Chrome updates in July with new, more advanced ad-blocker. Can things be all that bad?
Clickadu team offered to clarify the issue, just like we did with the previous serious Chrome upgrades back in 2018.

Bits and pieces.
What’s the basic algorithm for Chrome adblocker?
Now Google Chrome is going to use the same algorithm as the well-known adblocking apps.
Along with the built-in ad blocking feature Chrome will match website content with a list of ‘forbidden third-party elements’ to prevent them from loading.
At the end of 2017, Google Chrome had nearly 55% of the web browser market share across all devices worldwide, according to StatCounter. Now the numbers are beyond 60%.
Is there a solution?

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