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How to Fix Coverage Error Index in Webmaster Tools

 How to Fix Coverage Error Index in Webmaster Tools


How to Overcome Error Index Coverage - Not long ago Google as the owner of the world's largest Search Engine again made a massive update one of which is to renew the Display of Google Search Console or what we usually call Webmaster Tools.

With the renewal of features on Google Webmaster, some of the blog owners have problems with indexing on their blogs, one of which is Error Index Coverage. Then how to overcome it?

If you are a blog owner and have gotten emails like the one below, that means your blog is having problems with the index. I get this email when one of my blogs experiences indexing problems on Google's webmaster.

    New Index coverage issue detected for site https://www.sipituama.com/
    To owner of https://www.sipituama.com/,
    Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 1 new Index coverage related issue. This means that Index coverage may be negatively affected in Google Search results. We encourage you to fix this issue.

    New issue found:
    Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt

 I got the email notification on February 14, 2018, in essence Google told me that there had been an error in my blog index. Then how do you overcome the error index coverage in Google's webmaster tools?

How to Overcome Error Index Coverage in Webmaster Tools
After I traced it turned out that in the robot.txt section of my blog a blocking occurred which caused the error, then I corrected it by removing some code that blocked crawling, by replacing the "Disallow: / search" code with "Disallow: /" as below robot.txt settings that cause errors on my blog.

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: / search
    Allow: /
    Sitemap: https://www.sipituama.com/sitemap.xml

Then I change to something like this,

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /
    Allow: /
    Sitemap: https://www.sipituama.com/sitemap.xml

That way after a week I check the webmaster tools again if there is still an error in the Index Coverage, and the results are very encouraging as shown below.
How to Overcome Blog Coverage Error Index

Then the conclusion can be drawn from the above error states that in the "/ search" that caused the occurrence of error index coverage so that it will not be indexed by search engines, even though it can be ignored, because it has no impact on your blog. . So don't panic if there is an Error Index Coverage on your webmaster tools.

If you want to know more about index coverage status, you can visit the official google page: Index Coverage status Report.

Similarly, How to Overcome Error Index Coverage in Webmaster Tools, hopefully can provide lessons and useful for you. That is all and thank you.

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